NASA reveals newly discovered comet that may be visible to the naked eye

NASA revela cometa recém descoberto que poderá ser visto a olho nu
NASA reveals newly discovered comet that may be visible to the naked eye (Dan Bartlett // NASA – APOD)

The NASA has chosen to highlight the newly discovered comet Nishimura in this week’s astronomical photo of the day, which may become visible to the naked eye in the coming days.

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The comet was discovered about ten days ago by Hideo Nishimura, who was only able to observe it after taking a 30-second exposure with a standard digital camera.

Since then, Comet Nishimura has been increasing in brightness as it passes through our Solar System. According to NASA, the comet may be visible to the naked eye in early September; however, due to its proximity to the sun, it will only be observable during sunset or sunrise.

NASA revela cometa recém descoberto que poderá ser visto a olho nu (Dan Bartlett // NASA - APOD)
NASA reveals newly discovered comet that may be visible to the naked eye (Dan Bartlett // NASA – APOD)

Source: NASA (Astronomical Photo of the Day)
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